Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The US Embassy, Part 2

Labas! Today we went back to the Embassy with Rasa to pick up the girls' passports with visas. They had told us to be there at 11:30 and so we were. Unfortunately, the paperwork was not ready due to technical difficulties ... their computers weren't working. So the five of us had to wait outside in the blazing sun or huddle on a bumpy ledge under some sort of palm plant to be in the shade ... it was pretty hot today! We waited quite a while and got to see the Embassy's yoga instructor arrive ... our tax dollars at work! And then several people, including the lady who was giving out passports/visas, left for lunch. Nice. Finally another lady came out and gave us all our paperwork ... about 5 pounds worth! Oh well, at least that was done!

Next we went to some registration center that was like a souped up DMV to change the girls' names on their property paperwork. That took awhile as well because ... well, for many reasons. But finally we were done, paid and on our way! We said good bye to Rasa and walked back to Old Town.

We stopped at a restaurant on Vilniaus street called Pompodora which serves pizza and pasta ... they also had cold lattes! At least it was a different atmosphere, but I think the girls are getting tired of pizza. Eating is rather hard here ... the food just isn't that good and ordering pop is just easier that asking for water ... they always give you a funny look, then ask if you want sparkling or still. Tap water doesn't exist here ... it's always in glass bottles.

This afternoon we traipsed around the souvenir shops and bought some artwork from a local man (in the photo). He is very talented and we were happy to buy from him ... he was also really nice and quite thankful. He draws pictures of the local area in pen and ink and then fills it in with color. He was so sweet I wanted to hug him, but I settled for a handshake and a photo. It will be nice to have good souvenirs of the country where our girls were born. Okay, I just realized that Kornyte's eyes are closed in this picture! Arg.

Tonight we had Family Movie Night with hot dog spaghetti (Kornyte's choice) and nectarines for dinner. Have I mentioned that I'm looking forward to the food back home? Red Robin's could make a killing here ... at least on the tourists. So could a broom company ... most street sweepers use brooms made out of sticks. But I digress. For movie night we had bought the first Narnia movie at the Akropolis. The girls had never seen it and they liked it very much. It was a good night.

Well, two more days and then we fly home! Tomorrow we're going back to the aqua park, so that should be fun and take up most of the day. Sounds good to me!

Good Night!


Anonymous said...

I think maybe all government ept are the same! Our documents had to go to Berlin, they lost them found them in Paris? go figure and added over two weeks to our trip....We are so glad to hear all is on order and you are nearly ready to head home. Have fun at Vichy Parkas! And in case I dont log on again all our prayers are with you for a safe trip home and happiness for your families future.

Team Siffy

Jerry Bolen said...

KC & Michele, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to get Ingrida at her orphanage, taking her to lunch, getting her the jeans and shoes, and for making it possible for us to see her and visit with her. It was so wonderful to see her. She looks different from the last photos we had when her hair was longer. She is a beautiful young lady, and we are all anxiously awaiting having her here with us and to be able to hug and kiss her. You gave us a wonderful experience, and there just aren't enough words to express our gratitude. May God bless you and your new family. I pray for your safe return home. I know you will be thrilled to be back in your own beds and eating good food again!

Jerry Bolen (Michelle Vance's mom)

lindoreen said...

Hurray for you! You have done it! Blessings.

Anonymous said...

Will you two (now 4) please do at least one update now that you are all back in the US. I have been a dedicated reader since your first attempt. thanks