Sunday we had lunch and then took off for Radviliskis to pick up the girls. On the way we decided to take a slight detour and see the "mysterious mounds" of Kernave. This is an ancient hillfort site. It was actually pretty interesting for just being five man-made hills and the area was beautiful! The museum was closed, but I'm sure it would have been interesting with all the artifacts they've dug up from the area. I really enjoy history, so I'm glad we stopped.
We got to the girl's orphanage and Kornyte met us outside and brought us to their room. There was a bunch of people standing outside in the hallway, carrying various bags. Audrute locked up the room and
Today KC and I took the car back for the final time! Yeah! It's nice not to have that to think about anymore. Driving here isn't bad (with GPS!), but it's not that fun either ... especially getting around Vilnius! Out on the highway there are tons of cops and speed traps. There are signs that tell you that you are leaving, say, a 70 kph zone, but they don't tell you what the new speed is. We actually got pulled over once while leaving Radviliskis. Since we didn't speak Lithuanian and he didn't speak much English, we got away with a good finger shaking. :)
Anyway, this afternoon Elona took us to the US Embassy. The first lady made sure all of our paperwork was in order and then we waited. Luckily we brought UNO with us and we played while Elona watched. That made the time go much quicker and finally it was time to see the Consular. He made us all raise our right hands and say yes, the paperwork was all true and correct ... I was wondering how he thought Kornyte had any idea what he was talking about, but he seemed satis
Tomorrow we have to pick up the girls passports and visas from the Embassy and update some paperwork for the property that the girls partially own and then we should be done! DONE! Hallelujah! At least as far as the stuff we have to do here. There's some more paperwork to do once we get home, but I don't want to think about that just now. We have a few more days here in Lithuania, a LOOOONG day of travel and then we will be home! Hurray! KC and I are looking forward to being home in our own environment and all four of us are looking forward to being in a normal routine.
Keep the girls in your prayers as everything they have ever known is going to change!
I wish you a very safe return home!! I know how busy you'll be establishing a new routine for your family.However,I hope you will take some time off and come to our house for lithuanian dinner(maybe kugelis?!)We're looking forward meeting your beautiful girls-Audrute ir Kornelija!!
I can't believer you're a mom and dad of a teenager and preteen. Wow! Lots of adventures ahead... Love you guys! Please give the girls a hug from us!! See you soon. Mom
We have loved radin along with your adventures.Thanks for including us on your 'ride'. All the very best for the flight home and the future with your beautiful daughters.
We hope you check in with us every now and then....
You bet we will be thinking of you.
See you all soon!
Can't wait to see you on Saturday! Hopefully the time flies and your trip home is speedy and uneventful.Prayers for you all! LOL, Mom
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