Labas! Yogurt or milk in a bag, anyone? How about a dried frog? The exhibits from Trakai castle were in Vilnius today ... this was the apothecary booth.
Today we met Egle and our interpreter at court at 9:30 am. There was a bit of confusion as our interpreter had a later time written down and some fax came through completely blacked out. We had no idea what was going on which is always a bit disconcerting. :) Finally the judge came in and we all stood while she read her final verdict. Our interpreter was whispering to us in English and again we were not sure about the 40-days until we asked later. The way they say it is confusing because they call it "allowing the enforcement of our appeal". Why can't they just say, "she waived the 40-days" ... oh well! The judge officially approved of the adoption and waived the 40-day waiting period!!! Hallelujah! The four of us will be flying home on September 4!
After we left court, Egle took us to the Family Law Center where we planned out the rest of our trip with Elona. Of course the girls are sad to be leaving their friends so quickly. We told them that it is important to us for them to spend time with their friends before we leave because we know how important it is to them.
So, it was decided that on Tuesday, when we drive to their home town to get their birth certificates, that the girls will stay at the orphanage for a few days. This gives them time to say their goodbyes to friends and family. It seems that everyone is happy for the girls, so we aren't too worried about being away from them. Plus, KC and I could use some downtime ... it's hard to keep thinking of things to do! And yes, Steve Moyer, we are bored! Ha ha! There is only so many times that you can walk through the merchant stalls in Old Town, run after the frisbee in the park, and watch Spanish soap operas and German police shows (Cobra 11) dubbed in Lithuanian. At least there is also CSI New York and I've even been happy to have Will and Grace come on. Oh, and the Lithuanian soap opera is filmed in Vilnius, so sometimes you get to see places where we've actually been. Do I sound pathetic yet? Not the type of shows that I'm proud to say my 10-year-old is watching! Okay that was a weird sentence ... my 10-year-old! WEIRD! :)
Well, I better get going ... I need to figure out what to do for the next two days! Monday we will rent another car and drive to a different orphanage to visit Ingrida ... the young girl that our friends, the Vance family, are adopting! That should be fun ... we heard that she was excited and we are hoping to get as many pictures and video for them as we can without making her uncomfortable! I'll do my best, Michelle! :)
Please keep the girls in your prayers as they have to say goodbye to everyone this next week! Also keep Kornyte in your prayers as she works on her English ... we had a little melt down earlier ... poor girl!
Viso! (Bye!)
More wonderful news!!! Congratulations Mom, Dad, and girls! We are so happy for you!
PRAISE GOD! I could not be happier for the 4 of you! KC and Michele, can I just tell you how honored I have been to listen, watch, encourage, experience the last couple years with you guys. You have both shown so much faith in our Lord and Savior! You have been an inspiration to me.
Our prayers will continue as the girls have to say some really difficult goodbyes in the coming days.
All I can say is this particular youth leader is PRETTY STOKED to add two more girls to our church family!!
Congrats KC and Michele, we love you guys. And to Kornita and Audruta, congrats on your new parents ... you are two very lucky girls, and WE LOVE YOU TWO TOO!!!!
I couldn't agree any more than that!!
Thank you Lord,
see you all soon
Dear KC, Michele and girls,
We are so excited to hear how God has worked to answer prayer - not necessarily in the way you first expected when you started the adoption process but to give you two daughters instead of one. Though the path is/was difficult, His time is ALWAYS PERFECT! We will be praying as you wrap up your time in Lithuainia, come back and get settled in (our kids are looking forward to school starting on the second - ok so maybe it's not them; it's us:-) ). I'm sure that in retrospect the girls will be happy that they get to start the school year off here rather than coming in after the school year had already begun - I'm sure it will be easier to get to know people etc. Praying for you guys!
Well, I lost the comment I was making cause I had to RUN home and meet my new family. We're all so happy and excited to have the girls be part of our family. They are so beautiful and fun.
Thank you Father for working things out in Your time and fashion. Even if we're a bit anxious. :) Love you, Mom M
All we can say is "congratulations" to the four of you. Everything else has been said already. We will be sending you our thoughts and hopes for a safe trip home.
KC & Michele - We know the two of you are going to make amazing parents. Although we have only known you for a couple years (we hope to get to know you better, Michele) we have full faith in your parenting abilities. And even though we are not religious, we honestly feel that your faith in Him will carry the both of you through the difficult times as parents, and will rejoice with you during the happy times.
Audrone & Kornelija - We cannot imagine what this next week will bring you with all of the good-byes that you need to say. But what we can say is there are many, MANY people here in America that will try anything to make it a little easier for you. There are many of us that are very excited about meeting you, and even though this must be very overwhelming, please just remember that all of us care for both of you very much. Congratulations on gaining such amazing parents and being a part of such a wonderful family.
With much love,
Jason & Jocelyn
It was great to talk with you and meet the girls! We can't wait to start building relationships with them. You'll continue to be in our thoughts and prayers as you work through all of the paperwork and the girls say goodbye.
Love you all, Susie and family
Rejoicing with you four!! Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow! What an amazing Lord we serve.
Look forward to your homecoming and have soooo appreciated the blog and walking thru this with you. Much love, (the 'old') Auntie Susi (Stephenson)
Congratulations! I can't wait to meet the girls and see you all together as a Family! Our God is so good, it is exciting to see how He works out His will in your lives!
What great news! Praying your girls are ready to come when it is time...O took all eight weeks to say good-bye and I still had to pry her away! God Bless your final journey to home and processes!
Hurray! Hurray!
Hi KC and Michele. We are from New Zealand. We adopted 3 boys last December from LT and we are so excited for you. We also had our 40 days waived. God is so good and your blog reminds us so much of his blessings. Congratulations.Richard and Kate Davis
Congratulations again family of four! Good luck with all the paperwork that goes with the trip home. I have to laugh when you say you are bored! We echo that, I think we even went a little stir crazy being their in winter. All the very best to you both and your daughters for now and the future...
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